Kenneth Anger & Michael Powell por R.B. Kitaj

Michael Powell was a close friend and taught Lem a good deal; he even gave Lem a good part in his film The Boy Who Turned Yellow… he was a legend to me and I loved his films long before I met him… Anger, I only knew casually when he was camping out here in a derelict house near me, here in London. I’ve only seen a few of his films. Yes, his life as a renegade is amazing. He’s a satanist, a follower of Aleister Crowley… No one ever knows where he is. He’s always revising his strange book – Hollywood Babylon. Once in a blue moon he writes me from a blue moon. I bought Anger and Powell together because they admired each other. They’re both quite mysterious and since I introduced them, I painted them together in their disjunction.

R.B. Kitaj

Michael Powell


Kenneth Anger


Publicado por Adriana Scarpin

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