Hoje é o famoso 26 de julho…

Adoro esta data porque é o exato-exato oposto da minha data de nascimento e todo mundo sabe que os opostos se atraem. E o que a gente faz com o resto do povo? Bernard Shaw, George Grosz, Blake Edwards, Jason Robards, Helen Mirren, Mick Jagger, Gracie Allen, Kevin Spacey, Susan George, André Maurois, Kate Beckinsale,Continuar lendo “Hoje é o famoso 26 de julho…”

Lucian Freud (1922 – 2011) / Amy Winehouse (1983 – 2011)

Umas semanas atrás fui procurar se o cara ainda estava vivo e aparentemente durou pouco. *Ainda meio desesperada por só lembrar de sonhos em que existam gatos presentes*. Bônus (!?!): Amy “Live Fast, Die Young” Winehouse (1983 – 2011)O de sempre. Related articles Goodbye Lucian Freud Amy Winehouse Songs: Music Videos Of Late Singer’s TopContinuar lendo “Lucian Freud (1922 – 2011) / Amy Winehouse (1983 – 2011)”

From Walt with Love

Ainda esperando alguma boa alma escanear e colocar na internet o livro que o tio Sergei escreveu sobre o tio Walt, porque tá meio difícil pagar de 100 a 200 dólares por aí, se bem que entendo perfeitamente, não tenho coragem de colocar nenhum de meus livros-relíquia para ser estuprado por um scanner. Como éContinuar lendo “From Walt with Love”

O Bichinho que queria crescer

Recentemente certa pessoa me contou uma história sobre um garoto de seis anos que vira o pai ser assassinado e que a partir de então passara a se comportar da forma mais retraída e nula possível, um dia, em sala de aula, sua professora leu e mostrou uma das histórias do Bichinho da Maçâ deContinuar lendo “O Bichinho que queria crescer”

The Crows of Pearblossom – Aldous Huxley

Pais que zelam pelo futuro dos filhos deveriam servir Huxley na mamadeira. I cannot fly – I have no wings; I cannot run – I have no legs; But I can creep where the black bird sings And eat her speckled eggs, ha, ha, And eat her speckled eggs. Eu não posso voar – nãoContinuar lendo “The Crows of Pearblossom – Aldous Huxley”

Admirável Mundo Novo por Emily Carroll

“Embryos are like photograph film,” said Mr Foster waggishly, as he pushed open the second door. “They can only stand red light.” And in effect the sultry darkness into which the students now followed him was visible and crimson, like the darkness of closed eyes on a summer’s afternoon. The bulging flanks of row on receding row and tier above tier of bottles glinted with innumerable rubies, and among the rubies moved the dim spectres of men and women with purple eyes and all the symptoms of lupus. The hum and rattle of machinery faintly stirred the air.

Hugo Cabret

I’ve always liked 3D. I mean, we’re sitting here in 3D. We are in 3D. We see in 3D. So why not? Every shot is rethinking cinema, rethinking narrative – how to tell a story with a picture. Now, I’m not saying we have to keep throwing javelins at the camera, I’m not saying we use it as a gimmick, but it’s liberating. It’s literally a Rubik’s Cube every time you go out to design a shot, and work out a camera move, or a crane move. But it has a beauty to it also. People look like… like moving statues. They move like sculpture, as if sculpture is moving in a way. Like dancers.

Léonide Massine por Pablo Picasso

*Harlequin, 1917 Picasso produced this oil painting during his stay in Barcelona between June and November 1917, with the idea of presenting it at the Liceu Theatre with the ballet Parade performed by Serge de Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. The harlequin character – painted frequently by Picasso – appears here above a stage with a balustrade,Continuar lendo “Léonide Massine por Pablo Picasso”

Kenneth Anger & Michael Powell por R.B. Kitaj

Michael Powell was a close friend and taught Lem a good deal; he even gave Lem a good part in his film The Boy Who Turned Yellow… he was a legend to me and I loved his films long before I met him… Anger, I only knew casually when he was camping out here inContinuar lendo “Kenneth Anger & Michael Powell por R.B. Kitaj”

Achado bloguístico do dia: Articles & Texticles

Articles & Texticles Especialmente pela série sobre grandes diretores de arte: Art & Design in The British Film # 1: W.C.Andrews Art & Design in The British Film # 2: Andre Andrejew Art & Design in The British Film # 3: Norman Arnold Art & Design in The British Film # 4: Wilfred Arnold ArtContinuar lendo “Achado bloguístico do dia: Articles & Texticles”