Top Ten Authors I Would DIE to meet .

*Momento Proust – Segunda Fase*:  Nenhum. Eu só quero ficar na minha cama, bebendo chá e ouvindo um quarteto de cordas. Agora, sério: 1- Marcel Proust, pra ficar na cama com ele, bebendo chá e ouvindo um quarteto de cordas enquanto definhamos lentamente 2- Lord Byron, pra ficar na cama com ele, bebendo vinho eContinuar lendo “Top Ten Authors I Would DIE to meet .”

24 Frames: What’s Opera Doc? (Chuck Jones, 1957)

Elmer, the Wabitt-Hunter. As the critic Daniel Goldmark observes, ‘Simply placing opera into an animated medium is intrinsically humorous, because it violates cultural tradition – we laugh at the juxtaposition of high and low.’ Yet, What’s Opera, Doc? also has a political subtext, one that Walt Disney Productions had seen fit to avoid in 1941,Continuar lendo “24 Frames: What’s Opera Doc? (Chuck Jones, 1957)”

Projection & Introjection

Film and the dreamlike experience that occurs when the barriers between consciousness and the unconscious are lowered would, however, be less potently linked were it not for the phenomenon of introjection. It may be described as the opposite to projection, since it involves internalising experience of the world. Introjection also plays a large part inContinuar lendo “Projection & Introjection”

Hoje é o famoso 26 de julho…

Adoro esta data porque é o exato-exato oposto da minha data de nascimento e todo mundo sabe que os opostos se atraem. E o que a gente faz com o resto do povo? Bernard Shaw, George Grosz, Blake Edwards, Jason Robards, Helen Mirren, Mick Jagger, Gracie Allen, Kevin Spacey, Susan George, André Maurois, Kate Beckinsale,Continuar lendo “Hoje é o famoso 26 de julho…”

24 Frames: Orlando (Sally Potter, 1992)

In Potter’s Orlando the maze opens onto a heath and Orlando runs in Cathy Earnshaw fashion through the hugely exaggerated dry ice of Gothic and melodrama costume films. Similarly Woolf continues to parody Orlando’s absurd belief in a union with nature: ‘Then, some strange ecstasy came over her. Some wild notion she had of followingContinuar lendo “24 Frames: Orlando (Sally Potter, 1992)”

Lucian Freud (1922 – 2011) / Amy Winehouse (1983 – 2011)

Umas semanas atrás fui procurar se o cara ainda estava vivo e aparentemente durou pouco. *Ainda meio desesperada por só lembrar de sonhos em que existam gatos presentes*. Bônus (!?!): Amy “Live Fast, Die Young” Winehouse (1983 – 2011)O de sempre. Related articles Goodbye Lucian Freud Amy Winehouse Songs: Music Videos Of Late Singer’s TopContinuar lendo “Lucian Freud (1922 – 2011) / Amy Winehouse (1983 – 2011)”

Motivo indispensável para ver novela das seis

Tipo, WOW para esse homem. Fora esse fator absolutamente essencial, Cordel Encantado é a melhor novela brasileira em anos, não estou me referindo apenas ao coeficiente cinema digital, mas ao estilo de narração sempre muito ágil em torno dos elementos mais clássicos e outras coisinhas que normalmente não se vêem em novelas, como o casoContinuar lendo “Motivo indispensável para ver novela das seis”

Gross – Richthofen – Lawrence

Lawrence’s encounter with Frieda Weekley in March 1912 profoundly affected the composition of the final version of Sons and Lovers later in that year. Through Frieda, he would break from his past at every possible level: personally in his sexual relationship with her; geographically with their departure from England to Germany, then Italy; culturally throughContinuar lendo “Gross – Richthofen – Lawrence”

24 Frames: Tommy (Ken Russell, 1975)

To say that cinema often presents a contemptuous view of television doesn’t begin to capture the extremity of that representation. Ken Russell’s 1975 Tommy, to take just one instance, features one of the better-known, most hysterical portraits of television paranoia. Ann-Margret, playing Tommy’s careless mother, Nora Walker Hobbs, urges Tommy (Roger Daltrey) to respond toContinuar lendo “24 Frames: Tommy (Ken Russell, 1975)”

Tumblr (e outros malucos)

Pela quantidade de gente sem noção que encontro no tumblr que não creditam suas fontes resolvi fazer um só desse povo bunito que eventualmente encontro no caminho. A princípio é só com coisas daqui mesmo, mas talvez isso possa abranger outros blogs que conheço e frequento em vista de um piti que dei outro diaContinuar lendo “Tumblr (e outros malucos)”

Googie Withers (1917 – 2011)

*Momento Jack Nicholson* Não disse há alguns dias que a Googie Withers deveria ter cuidado? Top-dúzia, então: Nota 1: Só para quem perdeu a conta, Miss Withers fez 5 filmes sob a direção de Michael Powell e, infelizmente, a maioria perdidos, foi inclusive Powell que a alçou de extra para personagem de peso, tornando-a assimContinuar lendo “Googie Withers (1917 – 2011)”

Cem anos de Ginger Rogers

Não sou realmente uma fã de Rogers (ao contrário do que alguns pensam, não é porque é objeto de interesse que existe alguma afinidade entre este e seu locutor), gosto bastante de muita coisa que ela fez, especialmente cantando e dançando (por outro lado me derreto pelo Fredie… sempre), mas se compararmos sua carreira dramática/cômicaContinuar lendo “Cem anos de Ginger Rogers”

Centenário de Terry-Thomas (ou International Talk Like Terry-Thomas Day)

The cad has a long and honourable place in British film tradition. In fictional terms, he (it is always a him) has his antecedents in the raffish army officers who inhabit the pages of Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy, in Mr Jingle, the flashy ne’er-do-well of Dickens’s Pickwick Papers, in the eighteenth-century rake, or in Patrick Hamilton’s anti-hero, Ernest Ralph Gorse. As seen in British films, he is liable to have a ‘magnificent masher’ of a moustache, drive a sports car and light up like a fruit machine whenever a woman takes his eye. Examples of this breed include Guy Middleton, the lecherous sports master in The Happiest Days of Your Life (1950), Donald Sinden’s louche young medical student in Doctor in the House (1954), and, most memorably of all, Terry-Thomas. Born Thomas Terry Hoar Stevens, he is the upper-class Englishman as bounder and poltroon, the type who cheats at sports (witness him as the crafty pilot in Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, 1965, or as the master of one-upmanship on the tennis court in School for Scoundrels, 1960). He uses every underhand method at his disposal to get his hands on money and women. He rattles off his dialogue in a nasal whinny and snorts rather than laughs. In Terry-Thomas’ case, the gap between his front teeth, which stick out beneath his moustache like tusks (he has a well-nigh permanent, insincere smile affixed to his face), invariably makes him look all the more untrustworthy.

Searching for stars: stardom and screen acting in British cinema – Geoffrey Macnab

Grandes Tumblrs da Humanidade: bons drinque

bons drinque Porque a vida só se dá pra quem bebeu Ainda meio passada com essa coisa de Piáf com Hebe. UIA.

War Starts at Midnight!

É, nem lacrimejei. Art Goes On Forever – A Tribute to The Archers Nota: Faltaram Elusive Pimpernel, The Battle of the River Plate, Oh… Rosalinda!!, Ill Met by Moonlight, One of Our Aircraft Is Missing e Spy in Black, alguns destes compreensivelmente porque não foram devidamente restaurados e seria covardia colocar perto de Narcissus eContinuar lendo “War Starts at Midnight!”

Charles Baudelaire – Les Chats

Les amoureux fervents et les savants austères Aiment également, dans leur mûre saison, Les chats puissants et doux, orgueil de la maison, Qui comme eux sont frileux et comme eux sédentaires Amis de la science et de la volupté Ils cherchent le silence et l’horreur des ténèbres; L’Erèbe les eût pris pour ses coursiers funèbres,Continuar lendo “Charles Baudelaire – Les Chats”