O Sussurro do Demônio

*Homenagem ao Cassel-Gross que desprezei no outro post sobre o filme.* Eu lhe contei [a Jung] como tinham sido meus exames, mas fiquei muito desapontada por ele não ter demonstrado alegria em saber que, afinal de contas, eu tinha capacidade de fazer um bom trabalho e que agora era candidata oficial a um diploma médico.Continuar lendo “O Sussurro do Demônio”

Gross – Richthofen – Lawrence

Lawrence’s encounter with Frieda Weekley in March 1912 profoundly affected the composition of the final version of Sons and Lovers later in that year. Through Frieda, he would break from his past at every possible level: personally in his sexual relationship with her; geographically with their departure from England to Germany, then Italy; culturally throughContinuar lendo “Gross – Richthofen – Lawrence”

Huxley, Lawrence, Jung, Gross

Aldous Huxley’s evolution as a novelist may be described as the succession of three distinct phases. First, one finds the group of the early novels. They are bright and amusing, but also sharply satirical at times, and they express that growing dissatisfaction with our civilized world which comes to a climax at the end ofContinuar lendo “Huxley, Lawrence, Jung, Gross”

Diário de Stanislaus Joyce – 2 de feveiro de 1904

He has decided to turn his paper into a novel, and having come to that decision is just as glad, he says, that it was rejected… Jim thinks that they rejected it because it is all about himself, though they professed great admiration for the style of the paper… I suggested the title of theContinuar lendo “Diário de Stanislaus Joyce – 2 de feveiro de 1904”

Da série musas: Natalie Barney

“Não posso dar-me a quem não me sabe prender.” Natalie Clifford Barney tinha uns 20 e tantos anos quando deixou a América na virada do século para instalar-se definitivamente em Paris. Se Washington D.C. era muito provinciana para abrigar uma jovem herdeira que pregava o amor livre, a Cidade-Luz parecia ser o paraíso. Natalie talvezContinuar lendo “Da série musas: Natalie Barney”

Cartas de Amor à Nora Barnacle

“To NORA 8 December 1909 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when IContinuar lendo “Cartas de Amor à Nora Barnacle”