Wise Guys

*Scorsese on Scorsese (David Thompson & Ian Christie)

Julia Judge: Thelma Schoonmaker’s husband died during the editing of GoodFellas — Michael Powell, who directed The Red Shoes and The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp. He was a lot older than Thelma, but it was like the love of her life.

Thelma Schoonmaker: Michael Powell had taught so much to Scorsese about filmmaking, and here was Marty who gave back to him by bringing the films back to the world, and making him feel alive again. And when I had to take my husband back to England, Marty arranged everything for that—limousines, private planes, ambulances. All my husband could think about, when I was taking him back, was Marty’s artistic freedom. He was obsessed with it. Marty shut down the editing of the film for two months while I took my husband home. And then after he died, I had to come back to help finish it. I didn’t want to do anything; I didn’t want to live…. And so it saved my life, really.

Getting Made The Scorsese Way

Para fechar, está faltando a informação sobre o Nicholas Pileggi, roteirista de Goodfellas, segundo dona Schoonmaker numa entrevista para a radio BBC, o seu Pileggi só resolveu ser escritor por influência de Red Shoes, ou seja, mais um elo saído do mesmo buraco. Inclusive é bastante recorrente não só cineastas declarando Powell e Pressburger como impulso inicial, escritores como Anne Rice e JG Ballard mencionam os filmes deles como pontapé para a vocação.

Nota: Se Taxi Driver está para Peeping Tom, assim como Raging Bull está para Red Shoes e Shutter Island está para Black Narcissus, IKWIG e AMOLAD, então Goodfellas é o Colonel Blimp do Scorsese, tanto em termos narrativos quanto em problemas com censores.

Update: A bunch of stupid people. Porque além de não colocarem o link original, ainda falam merda, quando isso aqui foi colocado pelas minhas próprias mãos.

Publicado por Adriana Scarpin

Bibliófila, ailurófila, cinéfila e anarcafeminista. Really. Podem me encontrar também aqui: https://linktr.ee/adrianascarpin

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