75 anos de Harvey Keitel

Top dúzia então: 1- Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976) 2- A Última Tentação de Cristo (The Last Temptation of Christ, Martin Scorsese, 1988) 3- Cães de Aluguel (Reservoir Dogs, Quentin Tarantino, 1992) 4- Vício Frenético (Bad Lieutenant, Abel Ferrara, 1992) 5- Caminhso Perigosos (Mean Streets, Martin Scorsese, 1973) 6- Os Duelistas (The Duellists, Ridley Scott,Continuar lendo “75 anos de Harvey Keitel”

24 Frames: The Last Temptation of Christ (Martin Scorsese, 1988)

If you, who are organized by Divine Providence for spiritual communion, refuse, and bury your talent in the earth, even though you should want natural bread, sorrow and desperation pursue you through life, and after death shame and confusion of face to eternity. William Blake Martin Scorsese once said that Michael Powell, his late friendContinuar lendo “24 Frames: The Last Temptation of Christ (Martin Scorsese, 1988)”

24 Frames: A Morte ao Vivo (La Mort en Direct, Bertrand Tavernier, 1979)

Profoundly rooted in a national culture, they refuse all spirit of insularity, serving as proof of an openness of spirit, a curiosity and almost unique breadth of vision…His intentions go beyond everyday naturalism, and lead to an irrational, metaphysical intensity which bears innumerable visions. You don’t follow a plot, you dive into a universe…

– Tavernier on Michael Powell.

25 atores – Parte 3

Os Filmes Bacanas de Cada Ano que o Cinema Viveu: 1992

1- Fome Animal (Braindead, Peter Jackson) E sou apresentada a Peter Jackson. Obra prima obra prima obra prima. Quem diria que o gênio neozelandês do cinema B da virada da década se tornaria o que se tornou, hein? Marca de uma era, reunião na casa de AMK para ver filmes de terror aos sábados! SamContinuar lendo “Os Filmes Bacanas de Cada Ano que o Cinema Viveu: 1992”